11 February 2012

Cape St Francis Lighthouse

A trip to Cape St Francis is never complete without a visit to the wild side, though on this occassion the sea was quite tame.


Jane said...

Nice shot!

Sylvia K said...

Oh, WOW! What an incredible capture! I do love the wild surf! So beautiful! Hope your weekend is going well! Enjoy!


eileeninmd said...

Gorgeous scene and a fantastic capture of the wave.

Sallie (FullTime-Life.com said...

Wild enough for wimpy me! And beautiful.

Merisi said...

What force, and so exquisitely captured! :-)

Firefly the Travel Guy said...

Even if I just breeze into Cape St Francis I like to make a turn by the lighthouse. Its really something special.

rapunzel said...


Judy said...

I must be getting old - I don't even want to see what wild seas are...