When I first leant that my third grandchild would be born with clubfoot I did not know what to expect, or what the prognosis was, or how it would be treated. That was one time when I was quick to hit the search buttons on Google, to find out more on the subject. The first thing to emerge is that there is hope and that with proper treatment a child born with clubfoot can live a normal life.
In Jonathan's case his feet were corrected though the use of the Ponseti Method, where through stretching, manipulation and serial plaster casts
the foot is repositioned. When you see him running about now, like any other child, it is hard to believe he started out life with clubfoot.
My intention is not to write about the experience, but rather to publicise a site,
Clubfoot Notes, which my my daughter created to give hope and encouragement to parents with a child born with clubfoot. The site is written from the perspective of a mother and is not only full of facts, but provides links to useful resources and chronicles Jonathan's treatment.
Jonathan is a delightful and very fastidious little fellow. Here he is busy cleaning the "mud" from his toes on the beach. And as you can seen his feet are quite normal