I think I may have mentioned, in an earlier post, that the roads in Lesotho are bad......though bad may be an understatement.
All the roads that are featured in this post are marked in my GPS, but don't be fooled as they are not necessarity accesible by car, especially the one that is now incorporated into a maize field.
We were going along quite nicely here, when suddenly the road became too narrow for a vehicle.........................
.......it seemed that someone decided this was no longer going to be a road .......well maybe it could be used for bicycles, motor bikes and donkeys.
No problem my GPS showed us another route, so with some careful reversing and making sure we missed any strategically placed fence posts, we found another route. At this point the GPS said we "Turn left". As we were not riding a mountain goat, the logical thing to do was to go straight.
Can it get any worse? This section had the unmistakable signs of turning into a donga.
No, it was not all bad. This section of road also doubles up as the local soccer fiield.
What more can I say about the village's roads?
When we left the country and I was asked to fill in a form on our impresions of Lesotho, I marked the condition of the roads as poor. The tourism lady was most put out, so as a compromise I said that if one was in a 4x4, all set for adventure they were execellent, but in a normal vehicle one could have a problem if you left the tar roads.