Picture this scenario. You arrive at the shopping centre parking lot and it is full. You drive up and down the aisles and eventually, with great delight you spot an empty parking bay. You surge forward, to get there before any other driver with similar ideas, carefully avoiding shoppers and their trolleys. When you arrive your hopes are dashed, because some peanut has parked across the line and is effectively taking up two parking bays. And so the search continues........ Or, what I like to do if there is still enough space to squeeze in, is to park as close to the offending car as possible, so that the driver has to climb in through the passenger door.
What is it about such drivers? Are they incapable of seeing that they are occupying two parking bays? Or is it just plain selfishness? Add personalised number plates to the equation......well, what more can I say........I rest my case. ...
Oh, it's sad that this happens. Some new car owners do this because they are afraid of getting their car dinged by an opening door of the car parked beside them... oh c'mon, gimme a break!! I understand your frustrations!!
Michel it is not only the new ones, check out part 2
I can't stand selfish behaviour. I know we all have our moments but that is ridiculous. This driver really believes their numberplate which I think is almost funny if it wasn't so disturbing.
its wasn't me..promise!
LiD that's what we call a very inflated ego - unfortunately it is generally at someone elses expense.
Heather, I am relieved to hear that :)
Don't get me started on parking,lol. Being in charge of a large mall I see all kinds of wacky parking.
i hear you...i used to know someone who parked like that to avoid having his doors dinged...i couldn't ever understand it..but that's ^ probably him..
That's sad! Thanks for sharing. Anna :)
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