18 August 2008


The Blogger problem have persisted all week, but so have I and this is the first picture I have been able to post from my ADSL line in over two weeks. I have been posting with my cell phone, but that was a hassle and more costly - then this morning as suddenly as as it stopped working, it started again. Let's just hpe it lasts.

Last weekend we were able to get many great pictures at Cape St Francis and I was delighted to be able to capture this francolin. What is also great about the Eartern Cape is that there is always some plant flowering, no matter what time of the year.


Firefly the Travel Guy said...

My grandparents used to live in Paradise Beach and my grandmother fed the francolins every afternoon. If she was late they would come and make a noise in the backyard till she came.

Kerri Farley said...

What a neat looking bird!!

S-V-H said...

Francolin looks nice. Is he/she a kind of chicken?

Max-e said...

Susanne, this is a wild bird. Your equivalent will be the pheasant family.

Max-e said...

Firefly, I guess that is the "penalty" for feedng wild birds. It is amazing how tame they do become.

Andrea said...

I came here from Colored Garden by MedaM.
Really beautiful pictures.
An intersting blog.
And one week ago I came back from a 3 weeks holiday in your wonderful country.
