27 October 2007

Have you ever Googled yourself

David's weekend wandering....

Guilty as charged.......but then I already knew what I would find.

Or did I? Didn't know there were so many people in the world with my name - over a million. Number one being a murderer awaiting extradition from Canada to the USA .

Me...........second from the top, which explains how a long lost cousin, who I had not seen for over 30 years found me by Googing my name.

Think I'll leave there and also keep my surname out of this, as there could be a case of mistaken identity.


mrsnesbitt said...

I did this and am still laughing at the video! LOL!

david mcmahon said...

Mistaken identity can be murder (sometimes)!!!!!

Havea great weekend, Max

photowannabe said...

I have done that too and its a bit scary. I really don't like people knowing that much about me and perhaps some creepy person becoming me...

myonlyphoto said...

I did, and never googled my first name ever ever again, I got embarrassed what I saw and had to clean up my computer from all kinds of viruses, spy ware etc, lol. But then when I googled my full name, I got some good results. Anna :)